Here are a few ideas that you may want to consider:
- Select Quality Members -- If you can choose your leadership team, do so wisely and with much prayerful consideration. If your local church or denominational polity requires a nomination and election process, then put a tremendous effort and prayerful consideration around who you select to be the nominating committee.
- Clearly Define Roles and Responsibilities -- Being a leader means more than just sitting down once a month and listening to reports. It means being actively engaged in the life of the church for the 30 or 31 days between each monthly meeting.
- Mentor Your Team -- Continue to build and mentor your team throughout the year. Spend quality time each and every board meeting on leadership development.
- Build Esprit De Corps -- Make being a member of the team a worthwhile, caring and nurturing experience. Consider establish Prayer Partners among your board and encourage them to meet together outside of the regular meeting schedule.
There are many other things to consider when looking toward your new church year. These are just a few quick items to consider.
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